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Therapy with Families in Divorce: What you did not Learn in Grad School

Continuing Education for Mental Health Professionals

          Topics include : 

• Clinical vs. Forensic Roles

• Characteristics of Alienation

• Estrangement vs. Alienation

• Identifying Alienation Tactics

• Misplaced Advocacy

• Assessment:

• Biases

• Multiple Sources

• Suggestibility


• Abuse Allegations

• Dilemmas

• Releases of Information

• Confidentiality

• Therapy with:

• Alienated Child

• Target Parent

• Favored Parent

• Protecting Yourself: Documentation;

Setting Boundaries with Parents

Seminar is typically held over a two day period.  A shortened 6 hour seminar on these topics visit:


Family Divided TV

In this presentation, Dr. Baker will explore some of the hardest questions that targeted parents most frequently ask her, how targeted parents can avoid feeding into the alienating parent's agenda by psychologically taking care of themselves, and how the concept of ambiguous loss may be helpful to alienated parents who are faced with the only option of walking away.

Guest on Co-Parent Dilemmas Podcast

Diane & Rick explore the complexities of psychological child abuse with mental health expert Dr. Kelley Baker. Why did Sarah’s custody evaluator miss this tragic component? There are no clear answers, but important lessons to learn.

Family Divided 

Dr. Baker will discuss a model for treatment management in cases involving contact refusal. The model can be applied to mild, moderate, and severe cases of contact refusal, after the assessment has been completed.

Dr. Baker has used this model of intervention in many of her cases where children resist contact with one of their parents during separation and divorce. The approach evolved from her work as guardian ad litem

managing severe cases of parental alienation after the court ordered a no-contact period for the alienating parents. However, the team model has been supported and discussed by several scholars in the field, as one way to work with these very complex and high needs families. Dr. Baker will explain the things she has learned about the “Treatment Team Lead” role in terms of

(1) the skills and knowledge needed to fulfill the role, (2) duties inherent in the role, and (3) important things to include in the court order.

International Seminar: Relation Trauma in Divorce and Separation

Click on the photo to the left to watch and listen to the entire podcast on Youtube. 


The Respondent Round Table: Professor Jason D. Hill, Dr. Jennifer Harman, Dr. Amy Eichler, Dr. Kelley Baker

Click on the photo below to watch and listen to the entire podcast on Youtube. 

IKIC 079: Naja chats with Family Court Professional Dr. Kelley Baker

Click on the photo below to open the Youtube video in another web browser. 


Legislative Educational Seminar

January 11, 2019

" Parental Alienation: What is it and How does it happen?"


Parental Alienation

This topic can be represented in a brief 45 minute presentation covering the basic signs of alienation in children, the alienating behaviors of parents, and the levels of alienation. It may also be presented in a longer format to include assessment and treatment, and the interfacing of mental health and legal professionals.


Reunification Planning

and Treatment

This presentation focuses on the options for reunification,  which are based on the type of family conflict occurring. A multi-modal team approach is explained. Ideas for entrenched cases are provided as well as recommendations for court orders.


Providing Mental Health

Services in Family Courts

This topic is a beginner level counselor education presentation, covering roles that mental health providers play in family law cases. In a longer presentation format, the training includes a discussion on the professional risks involved and tips on protecting oneself from ethical violations.

Speaking Engagements

Speaker’s Panel Discussion about a Case of Parental Alienation 2024

PASG Annual Conference: A Case Study of PA: Sins of Omission and Commission 2023

PASG Annual Conference: Therapeutic Techniques for Working with Families in Divorce 2023

Oklahoma Bar Association Parental Alienation and other form of Family Conflict 2023

Oklahoma Bar Association Interventions for Parental Alienation 2023

Center for Parent-Child Contact Solutions Therapeutic Techniques for Dealing with Parent-Child Contact Solutions 2023

The Net Connection Treatment and Assessment Strategies for Resist and Refusal Cases 2022

Association of Families and Conciliation Courts Parent Child Contact Issues 2021

Center for Parent-Child Contact Solutions Therapeutic Techniques for Dealing with Parent-Child Contact Solutions 2021

New Mexico Bar Association Treatment Options and Legal Interventions for Parental Alienation 2021

Association of Families and Conciliation Courts How to Work with Psychological Splitting in Children 2021

European Association of Parental Alienation Practitioners (EAPAP) Conference How Practitioners Can Protect Themselves 2020

The NetConnection Parental Alienation: What is it and How does it happen? 2019

Legislative Educational Seminar Parental Alienation: What is it and How does it happen?    2019

Williamson County Bar Association Fall CLS: Parental Alienation: Assessment and Differentiation 2018

European Association of Parental Alienation Practitioners (EAPAP) Conference   Speaker’s Panel 2018

Simply Parent Conference  Parental Alienation Model or Differentiation 2018

Williamson County Bar Association Spring CLS: Parental Alienation: What is it? & How does it Happen? 2018

Texas Bar CLE and Texas Chapter of AAML Advisory Panel on 

Behaviors that Sabotage the Parent-Child Relationship And What To Do About Them  2018


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