Legal Consulting
Expert Subject matter
Testimony is provided on Parental Alienation
The assessment and treatment of Parental Alienation
Conducting Custody Evaluations
Conducting Psycho-social family assessments, such as Guardian ad litem roles
Legal Consultations for questioning mental health professionals
Requesting mental health services for the family
Planning other strategies for managing the case
Consultations for Parents
Understanding treatment options.
Choosing the best mental health professionals
Understanding evaluation processes
Preparing for court
Preparing for forensic evaluation
Preparing for contact an alienated child
Maintaining contact with resistant child
Consultation for Therapists
Dr. Baker provides consultation and supervision to therapists working with families in divorce. Consultations may include suggestions for treatment planning, interacting with attorneys, preparing for court testimony, therapeutic techniques, office policies and paperwork, and general support for dealing with high conflict family dynamics.